Handy note wow
Handy note wow

The old plugin:GetNodes API is still available and the data is automatically converted, if a conversion is possible.Mapfile was replaced by uiMapID, level has been dropped.This is equivalent to the old GetNodes call, except that it handles the new uiMapID type.New API: plugin:GetNodes2(uiMapID, minimap).This API can now be called with either a mapFile (legacy mode), in which case it'll continue to return a list of legacy mapIDs for old plugins, or called with a new uiMapID, in which case it'll return a list of uiMapIDs.Changed API: HN:GetContinentZoneList(uiMapIdOrmapFile).These have been deprecated and will be removed in the future, but are still provided for compatiblity with existing plugins (data is no longer available in-game, mapping provided by HereBeDragons-Migrate).Deprecated API: HN:GetMapFiletoMapID(mapFile), HN:GetMapIDtoMapFile(mapID),.Rationale: Using localized zone names is generally a bad idea, and the old MapIDs no longer exist.Rationale: C/Z values no longer exist in WoW 8.0.Removed API: HN:GetMapFile(C, Z), HN:GetCZ(mapFile), HN:GetZoneToCZ(zone), HN:GetCZToZone(C,Z).Changes listed below are preliminary, however they are available in the latest Alpha builds if running on the BfA Beta. Due to the massive changes in the map and all related logic, HandyNotes 1.5.0 will introduce changes to the Plugin API as well.All plugins that reference HereBeDragons directly need to adjust as well.Changed to HereBeDragons-2.0, since HBD-1.0 is not compatible with WoW 8.0 / BfA.See this link for a list of such addons: Changes for WoW 8.0 / Battle for Azeroth HandyNotes supports plugins that other authors can write to display their own set of notes on the map. Use "/hnnew x,y" without the quotes to add a note at location x,y on your current zone's map.Use "/hnnew" without the quotes to add a note at your current location.It helps you find all of the rare spawns, items that give exp, and also apexis.

#Handy note wow Patch

Our Dragon Glyphs and Dragonriding Talents guide have been updated for Patch 10. Alt-RightClick on the world map to add a note. 66K views 8 years ago Handynotes is probably the most important addon to have for WoD, especially for leveling. With Patch 10.1 now live, there are 8 new Dragon Glyphs to collect in Zaralek Cavern, as well as two new Dragonriding Talent Points.This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner.

Handy note wow